

Overthinking Life


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Vimy Brewing Vimy Red Ale

Style: Irish Red Ale
Format: 473ml can
ABV: 5.0% IBU: 18
Date tasted: 21 Mar 2021

Final Rating: 34/50


Another midnight shift over, another morning beer before bed. But this time, it’s patriotic.

For those who haven’t heard of it, Vimy Ridge is a ridgeline in France just outside the town of Vimy in the Arras region. Most famously known for the Battle of Vimy Ridge, one of the British offensive operations conducted as part of the 2nd Battle of Arras in 1917. For Canadians like me, it’s especially poignant as in many ways it defined the nation of Canada on the world stage. We’re mighty proud of, as my grandfather called it, “The day Canada grew up.” Here’s hoping this drink doesn’t disappoint.

According to the brewer, it a refreshing ale with a mild caramel backbone and a smooth finish, and it won the silver medal at the 2018 Ontario Brewing Awards in the Irish Ale category, and the bronze medal in the 2020 Ontario Brewing Awards in the Irish Beer category, so here’s hoping.


I have to comment on the can: V for Victory, prominent maple leaf, distinguished vertical bars in the background… It’s a great looking presentation for a patriotic Canuck. As for the drink itself… It’s mighty dark for an Amber! It’s almost into the brown territory it’s so dark! Small bubbles in the head and throughout the clear drink in the glass. Looks a little weak on the carbonation, but it does look mighty delicious. Top marks across the board here.


Very little on the nose to speak of. Mild toasted hops and caramel with the faintest hint of orange peel. The first sign of a stutter; I was really hoping for more.


Malt and caramel with some toasted hops following on and a slight aftertaste of bread and citrus. It’s a low IBU beer which I’m not normally a fan of, and so I’m factoring that in and going a little easier on it. It is crisp, refreshing and balanced, if fairly weak for my tastes. It’s certainly drinkable though, and the more I drink the more I enjoy it.


Despite the weak carbonation, it still has a nice feel with some decent tingling on the tongue and no lingering unpleasant textures. Feels very nice.


It’s a little weak in aroma and carbonation, and I’d prefer more punch in the taste, but it’s definitely got a nice balance and is a refreshing beer. For anyone that likes their beers with less of that hoppy kick, I think it would be a great choice.


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Aeryxium studied Computer Science at a major Canadian University and is a hobbyist coder and sysadmin working as an Air Traffic Controller in Canada with a passion for travel, music, media, and everything else.